Wednesday 23 October 2013

Just get some iPads in your classroom?

Check out Beth Holland's post on things to keep in mind!

Tuesday 22 October 2013

The SAMR Model

SAMR, a model designed to help educators integrate technology into teaching and learning , was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura.  The model aims to enable teachers to design, develop, and integrate digital learning experiences that utilize technology to transform learning experiences to lead to high levels of  achievement for students.

Monday 14 October 2013

Great site on a Grade 1 experience going 1:1 iPads

My curation site on iPads

On our way!

It has been a while, but after a lot of amazing changes, we are back and already into a new and exciting year! This year we have gone 1:1 iPads in grade 2 (about 100 devices). The iPads stay at school, and live in the grade 2 classrooms. Teachers are already using them to record and show student learning in a variety of ways. We are hoping to start some digital creations with them soon!